Artificial Intelligence—popularly called AI—is now a leading news topic, and for good reasons. Top digital companies are making AI broadly available, while at the same time, their CEOs are sounding …
Structuring A Measurable, Objectives-Based Publicity Campaign: NewsXPartners Discusses Deliverables
by adminby adminEver since The Boston News-Letter printed the first newspaper advertisement on May 8, 1704, businesses have been looking for better ways to get their messages out to potential customers. As …
Name Recognition: A Crucial Publicity Objective for Increased Sales and Market Share Acquisition
by adminby admin“Good name in man and woman, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their souls.” Othello Act 3, Scene 3 Although these words are spoken hypocritically by the villain …
AI Content Creation: What Was Thought To Be The Scourge Of The Writing Profession Might Turn Out To Be The Writers’ Most Useful Ally
by adminby adminThe high-profile emergence and societal prevalence of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence platforms have turned the entire notion of researching and writing on its head, according to the general perception. …